Put Up or Shut Up?

"Never talk shit if you can't back it up."

Considering that I'm not a big fan of rumors and I definitely do not start them, the rumor ring at work has me feeling a very large amount of discomfort. If the Universe was trying to give me signs to look somewhere new and that something needs to be done, well this was definitely my sign. The thing about rumors is they ruin relationships, and even though this one was stupid and untrue it could definitely fuck somethings up if it reached the right people. I do not think the people that spread these rumors realize what kind of damage could be done, or maybe in this case they just want to start as much crap as possible because they are tired with their boring lives and just want to bitch-rain on everyone's' parade or in this case mine.

Now is the time to decide whether or not to put up or shut up. Do I let the rumor monster continue feeding off of all of the vile bullshit that they spew from their mouths or do I confront them and put all of the heinous assumptions to a rest by bitching them out in the politest way possible.

Decisions, decisions.

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Guest post by "Peaches"
Rumors rumors everywhere. Just brush them off along with the dust you have to clean and be done with it. They mean nothing.

Submitted December 17, 2013 at 4:12PM


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Rumors can be rough to get past though.

Try not to let them get to you.

Submitted December 27, 2013 at 12:49PM


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Guest post by "Peaches"
Looks like another one bites the dust. Too bad, thought it might go somewhere. ZZZ

Submitted February 6, 2014 at 12:42PM


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Guest post by "AllAboutThatBass"
Rumors are a bitch but not as dumb as the people that create them or actually help spread them. 

Submitted September 22, 2014 at 2:33PM

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